This type of rebar tie wire is resistant to long term corrosion from both salt and moisture
As a new bartender in my early 20s, I had no ambitions to own a business, let alone a beach bar. Back then I just wanted to make enough money to both pay my bills and always have fun with my friends on the weekends and in the hours when I was away from work. My work ethic wasn’t what it is today, that is for sure. I also drank a lot of alcohol both on the job and when I got home, making things even worse for my drive and determination. At one point a friend of mine accidentally died falling asleep on his porch during subzero temperatures one night when he came home from the bar so drunk that he couldn’t manage to unlock his front door. His neighbor saw him slouched down in a ball on his front porch with his keys on the doormat next to him. I was devastated by the news and started going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings the next day. While I never completely quit drinking alcohol, I stopped drinking more than a few times a month and dropped the amount of liquor I was consuming by about 90%. After forming a healthier relationship with alcohol, I noticed my work ethic naturally increase. Now I’m proud to say I own a Tiki Bar right on the beach and I just paid to build a brand new concrete deck that is reinforced with galvanized steel rebar tie wire. This type of rebar tie wire is resistant to long term corrosion from both salt and moisture. Compared to non-zinc coated rebar tie wire, the galvanized 14 gauge steel rebar tie wire is supposed to last longer with the least amount of corrosion.